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From 1998 until 2011 Oxford School of Learning Ltd supported the Dystonia Society. The main reason behind this was because the then Principal – Chris Sivewright – has dystonia. For an explanation of dystonia read this excellent blog

During that period funds were raised for The Dystonia Society.

Unlike the OSL, Oxford Conferences is essentially a non-profit-making organisation.

The total fee for the conference is made up of two discrete elements:

  1. Petrol expenses
  2. A £60 donation to the Dystonia Society, OR to direct to those suffering from Dystonia.

In the past the donation has been used to buy a printer for someone with dystonia, or by books for the Dystonia Society to pass on to members.

Here are some of the letters of thanks:




From 2011 onwards Oxford School of Learning is supporting the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

So far the work done has simply been to raise funds:


Why the Multiple Sclerosis Society?

The decision to favour the Multiple Sclerosis Society rather than the Dystonia Society was taken by the then Principal , Chris Sivewright. The reasoning was that several members of his family suffered from MS.

Now with a new Principal, we see no reason to change the charity – and Chris’ earning for teaching for OSL, will go direct to the charity.

Please feel free to donate  – the money goes DIRECT to the MS Society.

About O.S.L

History & Mission

A brief History

Oxford School of Learning Ltd was started in 1986. Even in its early days the college was a trend-setter. We had no set fees, merely charging ‘50% below our competitors.’ Tutors had no set rate. They were merely paid ‘10% more than you can earn elsewhere’.

This caused significant problems as clearly, competitors could not afford to let us succeed. One of our freelance tutors was called in by the Principal of ‘College X’ and told that the Oxford School of Learning Principal ‘had a criminal record for embezzlement’ and therefore the tutor should not work for him. Another Director of Studies for ‘College Y’ told parents that we changed exam papers before sending them off and that’s why the pass rate was so high. Another college telephoned our Accommodation officer and told her she would be blacklisted (she was part-time) if she worked for us.

That was the tutorial world in Oxford in the 1980s!

Even now, 29 years later, our fees are still considerably below those charged by our competitors. We also pay our tutors substantially more than they are paid by other colleges. This is to ensure we can always recruit only the very best of tutors available. They must have enthusiasm for their subject and for their employers – in this way the student will receive the best possible tuition.

It is not unknown for us to run Business Studies classes for free!

Much the same approach is taken towards examinations. An ‘A’ grade at Business Studies A level can take as little as 4 weeks. You do not have to believe us – check the newspaper articles.

We have been heavily criticised for being so successful, especially over this:




But look at it this way.

It is to our financial DISADVANTAGE to enable students to pass in a short period. The shorter the course – four hours – the lower the fees!

As the exam board regulations have now changed and t is no longer possible to take A levels in January we have had to change our approach. Now we offer only one year courses. Sure, if you wish to take two years or have numerous lessons a week then fine, we will take your money. If not then three hours a week per A level, is easily enough.

We were the first tutorial college to support a charity – The Dystonia Society.

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Just wanted to drop you a quick email to say thank you for all your help with Jack’s economics A level. It obviously made the vital difference and got him the A he needed, and he really enjoyed the tutorials as well. It is quite a relief that the results are out and most of them seem to have got more or less what they needed, so good work all round. - Sheila, Parent to an Economics pupil