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For about a year the following advertisement has appeared on the Volunteers page at Daily Information

The purpose of the advertisement was to encourage people from all walks of life to share their knowledge, their thoughts on various philosophical topics.

This has lead to a wide variety of topics being discussed such as:

  • Cosmic consciousness
  • Islam
  • Buddhism
  • Probability logic
  • Ethics
  • Atheism
  • Guilt
  • Charity
  • World politics and ethics
  • Vegetarianism/veganism
  • Astral travelling
  • Dreams/lucid dreaming
  • God
  • Evil
  • Truth
  • Goodness

We have met up in such places as Costa Café

These discussions continue to take place – and visitors to this site are encouraged to visit this page, for useful links, buy this book and carry out these activities and join in the discussions on the following forums:

Forum 1

Forum 2

Forum 3

Clothing: why not buy a t-shirt?

Sit back and listen to podcasts on philosophy

The fascinating ‘Ethics Bites

Buy the Philosophy gym and read the blog written by the author

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After all your help, I just wanted to let you know how the exam went. I got an A on my retake, an A on both papers and so an A overall :) Thank you so much for all your help, I think my grades would not be the same without it! Hope all is well and thanks again! - Annie, Student