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Booking Form

To request a conference visit at your school, please use the enquiry form below, choosing your preferred date and also an alternative date if you wish.

Please provide as much information as possible so we know what exactly you are looking for from the conference. Please also make sure you read about the conference costs.

We will then contact you to confirm if your chosen date is definitely available.

If you have any questions please email: admin@oxfordschooloflearning.net



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  5. If you have a particular date in mind that you would like us to visit you, please specify it below. If you wish, you can also specify an alternative date.

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Thank you (once again) for all you have done for Jack – which I think has gone beyond the economics tutoring and into how to approach studying etc. I really am so grateful for all the hours you have given over to this. See you very soon – I will miss your emails falling into my inbox – they have been v entertaining at times! With love and immense appreciation - Caroline, Parent