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Significant changes

In 2011 it was decided to no longer run the business as a private company. This was because of a substantial change of direction in five major areas:

  1. Support for a charity
  2. Sale of books
  3. Conferences in schools
  4. Training
  5. Other pursuits away from education

Support for a charity.

For 20 years or so Oxford School of Learning, mainly through the activities at Oxford Conferences, has supported The Dystonia Society. For various reasons this support has now been changed so our energies are focussed on helping the Multiple Sclerosis Society

Sale of books

For a few years the company, Oxford School of Learning Ltd, sold £000s worth of manuals. Hundreds of schools bought copies. Then syllabuses changed. We produced more booklets but now, with our change of direction this is a business that will no longer be pursued. In line with a greater shift towards charitable activities all the previous products are for sale at reduced prices – and all the fee goes direct to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Conferences in schools

For the last seven years (2008-2015) there have been very few conferences in schools. This is largely because each conference cost about £100 in lost earnings and there are only so many times that classes can be rearranged. However with the change of circumstances and with Oxford School of Learning no longer being a company, conferences once more will be offered but this time all the fees will go not to the Dystonia Society but the Multiple Sclerosis Society.


Courses are no longer being offered face to face. Instead a series of online video-based courses are offered through Udemy.

Other pursuits away from education

In 2012, the Founder and Principal of Oxford School of Learning, Chris Sivewright, scaled down his involvement in order to create time to pursue other activities. In particular, he started up Almost Random Theatre . There is still considerable overlap as the theatre has a ‘Business Theatre’ section and also offers subject-specific revision conferences at schools alongside drama workshops.

Chris is still Head of Business Studies and Economics but as from 2012, he is no longer Principal.

David Northcott

Principal, Oxford School of Learning

10 Station Yard.

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From a D to an almost A is pretty sweet :) Thank you very much for the tutoring it helped considerably and if anyone asks for help in economics I’ll send them straight to you :) - Tom, Student