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From 1998 until 2011 Oxford School of Learning Ltd supported the Dystonia Society. The main reason behind this was because the then Principal – Chris Sivewright – has dystonia. For an explanation of dystonia read this excellent blog

During that period funds were raised for The Dystonia Society.

Unlike the OSL, Oxford Conferences is essentially a non-profit-making organisation.

The total fee for the conference is made up of two discrete elements:

  1. Petrol expenses
  2. A £60 donation to the Dystonia Society, OR to direct to those suffering from Dystonia.

In the past the donation has been used to buy a printer for someone with dystonia, or by books for the Dystonia Society to pass on to members.

Here are some of the letters of thanks:




From 2011 onwards Oxford School of Learning is supporting the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

So far the work done has simply been to raise funds:


Why the Multiple Sclerosis Society?

The decision to favour the Multiple Sclerosis Society rather than the Dystonia Society was taken by the then Principal , Chris Sivewright. The reasoning was that several members of his family suffered from MS.

Now with a new Principal, we see no reason to change the charity – and Chris’ earning for teaching for OSL, will go direct to the charity.

Please feel free to donate  – the money goes DIRECT to the MS Society.

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Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature. - Eric Hoffer