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Welcome to the OSL Bookstore. This is the section of the site where we encourage you to buy our – fully photocopiable – ebooks! In yet another departure from the norm, however, we are selling the books for only £ 1 each AND the entire revenue is going direct to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Many of our books are available on Amazon – but not for £1!

Here it is £1 and ALL the money goes to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Please select from the categories below.

Classroom-Management Business-Studies
English Science
Politics PhilosophyReligion
Psychology1 Sociology





We stress again, all the fees go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.



Tuition is available for the following subjects on a one-to-one or small group basis:

  • Accountancy
  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • Philosophy/Religious Studies
  • Politics
  • Sociology

Tuition is also available for English either as a foreign language or specialised such as Business English.

But why choose us for tuition? There are plenty of other tutorial colleges with much flashier websites – and much higher prices.

Check out these fees (just as an example):


Greene’s tutorial college

Oxford Tutorial College

At university you can pay £9,000 for less than 100 hours!

Some parents seem willing to pay £1500 an hour!


People pay for the best possible results. Clearly, if these can be achieved in a short time then the overall total fee is likely to be considerably lower.

At Oxford School of Learning we do A levels in a shorter time than elsewhere – and charge considerably less. This is why you should  have tuition with us!

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Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature. - Eric Hoffer