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Poster Movie The Meg 2018

The Meg (2018) HD

Director : Jon Turteltaub.
Writer : Belle Avery, Erich Hoeber, Jon Hoeber.
Producer : Belle Avery, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Colin Wilson.
Release : August 9, 2018
Country : China, United States of America.
Language : English.
Runtime : 114
Genre : Action, Science Fiction, Thriller.

Movie ‘The Meg’ was released in August 9, 2018 in genre Action. Jon Turteltaub was directed this movie and starring by Jason Statham. This movie tell story about A deep sea submersible pilot revisits his past fears in the Mariana Trench, and accidentally unleashes the seventy foot ancestor of the Great White Shark believed to be extinct.

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