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AS Psychology 2 (Spec B)

Topics: Attitudes: function and measurement * Likert scales * Semantic differential and projective techniques * Principle of consistency between attitudes and behaviour * Cognitive dissonance and attitude change

Dual-process models of persuasion * Prejudice and discrimination * Conformity * Majority and minority influence * Obedience to authority * Impression formation * Perception of others * Self-perception * Attribution theory: casual schemata model * covariation model; correspondent-inference model * Social psychology of sport * Perception and attention * Remembering and forgetting * Language and thinking * Cognition and Law

Price: £1.00

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Just wanted to drop you a quick email to say thank you for all your help with Jack’s economics A level. It obviously made the vital difference and got him the A he needed, and he really enjoyed the tutorials as well. It is quite a relief that the results are out and most of them seem to have got more or less what they needed, so good work all round. - Sheila, Parent to an Economics pupil