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Pocket Revision AS Business Studies

Welcome to the second edition of ‘Pocket revision’. The first half of the booklet is a summary of the AS syllabus. Interspersed with bullet points are comprehension questions based on news events.

The second half of the booklet is made up entirely of current news items, deliberately chosen to illustrate key areas of the syllabus. Rather than just produce a booklet full of key facts ‘to learn’; the enclosed represents a vehicle by which aspects of Business Studies may be applied.

Price: £1.00

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Thank you (once again) for all you have done for Jack – which I think has gone beyond the economics tutoring and into how to approach studying etc. I really am so grateful for all the hours you have given over to this. See you very soon – I will miss your emails falling into my inbox – they have been v entertaining at times! With love and immense appreciation - Caroline, Parent