GCSE Business Studies for Overseas students
This manual consists of articles from overseas newspapers. Each article has been chosen because it is as current as possible plus it uses the type of vocabulary that overseas students often find difficult. As the articles are from newspapers worldwide there is every chance that most overseas students will recognise some of the titles. This should aid learning.
Accompanying the articles are ideas as to how they may be used in class.
Finally there is a ‘five-minute closer’. This is an idea that can be used to close off the lesson. Such ideas may be:
- A made up word. Why not get the class to make up business words – the work must include a definition
- A marketing idea. Would this idea work?
- A motivational idea – would this motivate workers?
- Business jargon. Not specifically in the syllabus but a term that may be read in newspapers/textbooks
- Business quotation – apply this to the syllabus
- New words accepted into the British language. What new words will we discover in 2004?
- Definitions: these are taken directly from the syllabus.
- A non-business quotation – how could this be applied to the syllabus? (Image? – see Gary Lineker’s ears!)