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AS Business Studies for International Students

‘AS Business Studies for International Students’ is a photocopiable manual deliberately designed to be of specific use for Business Studies students whose first language is not English. Although the core of the syllabus is enclosed in note forms there are supplementary exercises drawn from international Newspapers. The variety of articles have been chosen to place the study of business in an international context. In this way the pupil who is new to the UK is less likely to feel swamped by textbooks/lessons/television programmes that tend to emphasis business ‘in the UK’.

Exercises are also included that are testing knowledge  of key business terms. This may be through ‘games’ such as Word Search or simply through asking for definitions/explanations. In some cases the answer to the puzzle is directly from the syllabus. This allows the teacher to then go through the syllabus terms as part of going through the answer.

This manual is ideal as a tool for the delivery of Business English and/or a supplement to core tuition in AS Business studies.

Price: £1.00

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Thank you so much for everything. Your in-put into Tom’s economics has made a massive difference to him. He has also enjoyed you teaching him, which is more than half of the battle I guess. Thanks also for your understanding with Tom’s stress levels! Hopefully now exams are over (or tomorrow, should I say), things will only improve now! Can’t thank you enough. Your reputation was excellent when we first heard of you, but having experienced the effect your teaching has, you deserve even better! Obviously Tom will be emailing you tomorrow to let you know how he got on and meantime, enough of my compliments! With best wishes. - Sue, Parent