Philosophy and Religion
This manual uses the Mind Map technique as a means of providing delivery of the following topics: Problem of evil; Body and soul – life after death; religious experience; virtue ethics; free will and determinism; conscience; religious ethics; categorical imperativism...and other topics. Includes contemporary topics as at January 2006.
A2 RE (dyslexic)
Research suggests that dyslexic students find it easier to study when the Mind Map approach is used. The following topics are included: the problem of Evil; body and soul – life after death; Virtue ethics; free will…and many other topics. Includes contemporary topics as at January 2006.
AS RE thru Mind Maps
This manual uses the Mind Map technique as a means of delivery for the following topics: Absolute and relative; Aquinas; Aristotle; Categorical imperative; Challenge – religious ; Ethical theory; Evil; Natural law ;
Ontological argument ; Plato forms Science and religion ;Sexual ethics;
Situation ethics; Teleological; Utilitarianism
AS RE thru’ Mind Maps (dyslexics)
Research suggests that dyslexic students find it easier to study when the Mind Map approach is used. The following topics are included: Plato’s Forms; Aristotle’s cause and purpose; Judaeo-Christian origins – the Bible; arguments for the existence of God; Science and the existence of Religion; the problem of Evil; medical ethics; Natural law; Virtue ethics; ethical theory.......and other topics. Mind Maps are shown from their beginning stage to the completion. Brief commentaries are included. Includes contemporary topics as at January 2006.
AS Religious Studies through Mind Maps
Welcome to the third, updated edition of AS Religious Studies through Mind Maps. This photocopiable manual includes a few notes courtesy of Stephen Richards of Please visit his site!
This manual includes:
- Ethical theory
- Virtue ethics
- Situation ethics
- Natural law
- Utilitarianism
- Right to life
- Categorical imperativism
- Evil
- Science and religion
- Sexual ethics
- War