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Swindon College

Date of Visit: 6th June 2006

Swindon College

The brief:

“Further to our conversation on the phone last week could I confirm that I would like you to come in to college to deliver a staff development session (max 8 staff). I envisage it lasting approximately half a day (morning would be preferred, if possible). The areas I would like you to address are things like how to improve grades, new ideas on how to deliver the syllabus, how to maximise output with minimum effort. Is this realistic?”

In one morning we dealt with:

  • Maximising marks in essays
  • How to approach the Case Study
  • Mind maps
  • New vocabulary
  • How to pass Business Studies in 1 day
  • Minimising the teacher’s workload

Staff certainly seemed to enjoy it!

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ot into Sheffield. Got an A in economics (95% in module 4 and 90% in module 2) Thanks for the help! Couldn’t have done it without you! - Jack, Student