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Pangbourne College

Date of Visit: 8th June 2007

Two teachers covered the financial elements of the WJEC A2 Business Studies syllabus – a parting gift as the Head of Business Studies was leaving.

What did the Head of Business Studies say?

Thank you so much for coming over with Shazmin on Friday. Your time and help was much appreciated. I shall send on the recommendation with the cheque at the end of the week. We will also send a cheque for the Dystonia society from the money raised by the tuck shop.

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Just wanted to drop you a quick email to say thank you for all your help with Jack’s economics A level. It obviously made the vital difference and got him the A he needed, and he really enjoyed the tutorials as well. It is quite a relief that the results are out and most of them seem to have got more or less what they needed, so good work all round. - Sheila, Parent to an Economics pupil