Pangbourne College
Date of Visit: 10th November 2006
The original enquiry:
We would be very interested in the possibility of you coming to Pangbourne College next term to do a one day conference.
It would be great to have a chat with you to work out the logistics and content of the day and what else we might be able to do for the society on the day. I have suggested to the powers that be here that we allow the students attending to pay to wear casual clothes in school for the day, which would help to raise a little more money for the society.
I look forward to hearing from you and to the possibility of forming some sort of a long term relationship between the department and the Dystonia Society.
After the exchange of several emails the following timetable was agreed:
- 10.30 – 11.30 Start with both groups – External Influences
- 11.45 Presentation for Lower Sixth Form
- 12.45 Lunch
- 13.30 – 14.15 Staff INSET – Behaviour Management
- 14.30- 15.45 Presentation for Upper Sixth Form
- 16:15 – 17.00 Individual/small group work for those interested
- 17:00 – 17.45 Time with Peter Detnon – Head of Department
Supper etc if you are interested!
This is what makes Oxford Conferences different to any other conference on offer from any other organisation – it is YOU, the school, which determines what is covered!
The material especially written for the conference may be downloaded from here
The Head of Business Studies, Mr Peter Detnon, also organised it so that the money for the food sold at break went direct to the Dystonia Society – thanks!
A special INSET session for teachers was held on Behaviour Management.
The material for this may be found by clicking here
See image gallery for conference pictures