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Loreto Sixth Form College

Date of Visit: 17th April 2006

The brief was: “I am enquiring about the possibility of someone doing at revision day at Loreto College. I don’t know if this is too short notice but I was thinking of the 17th April, for a maximum of 70 students. The focus would be A2 Business Studies and most probably the financial and other related aspects e.g. ratios, decision trees etc, the stuff they always need most help with!” from Andrea Pritchard (on the 10th April).

Even at such short notice we were happy to oblige…

Even though the conference start was 10am and Manchester is a fair way from Oxford the conference started (almost) on time (there was a fault – now acknowledged by the RAC – on their online map!).

All the topics requested were covered. The key – as with all conferences – was on class participation

See image gallery for conference pictures

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So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness. - Sidney Poitier